Twittering volunteer

Thanks to the Brighton New Media email group I'm a member of, I volunteered myself to help SCIP (Sussex Community Internet Project) with their stand at the Brighton and Hove City Council event called Get Involved. I was expecting to show charity and community types how to use Twitter, YouTube and blogging but with the lashing rain and wind it seemed that everyone stayed at home.

As soon as I arrived I was asked to interview one brave soul then upload it to their YouTube channel. The second person was a little more interesting, a guy called Jason Kitcat who as well as being the main web bloke for Mums Net, he is the Green City counciller at Brighton and Hove. You can watch the video interview at YouTube and listening to my excellent questioning technique!

Otherwise it was a case of getting to know the other volunteers as there was hardly anyone at the event, possibly due to the stormy weather. A few name checks: killer_bunnie (Claire Stokoe who describes as herself as a social media engineer); BrightonArgosJo (writes for the Brighton Argus newspaper and who actually recognised me and already follows me on Twitter); beckie_williams (local celeb for her Facebook campaign against M&S's unfair larger bra size pricing policy); scipmark (the organiser of the stand working for SCUP). Apart from that one of the main council chiefs asked me if I could teach his 7 year old daughter how to use Facebook!
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Jason Kitcat said…
Thanks for the mention Robin, it was a pleasure getting involved on the day.

Just for the record, I work for Netmums who are similar but really completely different to Mumsnet!!! :-)

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