Hands are great!
Hands are great, aren't they? Let's put our hands together and give them a round of applause. Ow, maybe not! There's more than 10 good things you can do with hands, though some of them are quite painful at the moment. Clapping hands (that's out at the moment), typing (digits are working ok so had to goto work), dipping into pockets for keys and change (bit painful that), playing games (that's out as well). Why I am talking such tripe? Well it all started yesterday....
Helpdesk was a bitch in my ear, karate was ok with lots of sparring, though there are a few characters you need to avoid who use it as an excuse to have a pub brawl. Took a few hits in the ribs but my quick fists got some good shots in, though didn't make him flinch - the dead faced git!
Cycled back home after karate and took the paths. Came off a high kerb and bam!, the front wheel stuck, the back flipped over and my hands attempted to sand the concrete. My thumb had bits hanging off it, my palms looked like stigmata, my left arm was gashed and my ego, again, took a knock out. Took another 15 minutes to limp home (knee hurting as well). Kerry treated the wounds and did everything a good nurse should do (apart from dressing up like one - next time, without the injuries hopefully).