That's why the lady is a tramp

It's been a bit dull lately. If I haven't been messing myself up with wall paint or trying to catalogue my record collection, we've been watching rubbish telly. Last Saturday we drove down to Exeter to celebrate Kerry's nan's 90th birthday reuniting us with her family. The build-up was quite stressful but everyone managed to enjoy themselves as much as you could at a 90th birthday!

Another tick in the box for being old was buying some hiking boots on Sunday. Lets get one thing straight - we're not becoming ramblers! These are for our New Zealand holiday and in preparation may do some walking around the UK as training. Plus Kiwis call hiking 'tramping' which I'm not sure really changes things. Anyway, the shop assistant really knew his stuff about feet and shoes, coming away £130 lighter but with special insoles to correct my pronation (another tick).

Couldn't find any decent photos of British tramps on the internet. Good thing really as homeless-ness isn't funny unless they're mad, waving a fist and swearing a lot happy in their own little world (not really). Norwich had its fair share of them with 'Marigold' topping the weirdest, wandering the city directing traffic with his bright yellow rubber gloves.

My latest source of amusement and addiction is the second Phoenix Wright game. The PAL version isn't even out until mid-March but I managed to buy a cheap Japanese version with English text for a third of the price.


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