Return to the source

Lego pirate
Originally uploaded by Ginger DJ.
Weekend was a return to the source to catch up with parents and friends. Norwich blows any city away for choice of good shops and seems the council is grasping it with greedy, commercial hands. A new Oracle/West Quay clone has sprung up with an entrance opposite the new library and St Stephens which almost completes a shopping circle. The Castle Mall will soon become a ghost town of failing chains, Christmas shops and random pine furniture stores that pop up overnight.

Thank god for Dogfish and Elements for some decent, independent style for clothes. It had been awhile since we’d last visited the shop and noticed Craig from the last Big Brother had signed the wall along with Huggy Bear from Starsky & Hutch. Ever since he’d worn that Manilla Gorilla t-shirt (which Kerry bought a year earlier) we’d guessed he shopped there.

Went looking for some Xmas present ideas and ended up in Jarrolds where we saw the above (pictured) to add to our obsession-fuelled pirate collection. Didn’t really get anything to cross off Santa’s list and 5 hours wondering round was our limit (mine was 90 minutes less than this).

Caught up with Josh and Christie at their new home in Briston that evening. More funny stories from Josh including his ‘land-robbing’ adventures for his garden. Looking forward to seeing some ambitious ‘Home Front’ beating design next year. Also, Josh insisted on visiting a local social club for quick half to coincide with a mate’s son’s 15th birthday. The prospect of seeing a 15 year old DJing at a village youth club conjured up images of pool tables, cider cocktails, necking, Westlife and teenagers running amuck. Turned out to be just that but with the annoying entertainment of karaoke plus the DJ was trying to play hardcore and evil techno noises to three 10 year olds surrounded in lots of disco smoke. Another random meeting with Josh’s ex (last saw her at 2004’s Glastonbury) and her dad (last saw him at least 8 years ago!). We didn’t get to see Josh’s mate, Mark as he was too ashamed to stay at the ‘party’.

Sunday was with my mum and popped into my old home town of Dereham. Not a lot has changed apart from more charity shops. The absence of anyone between 18 and 35 still seemed to polarise the local population.


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