The future's Brighton, the future's ginger!

University of Southampton, my current employer came up trumps on Wednesday offering us a 2 bed flat for half the price. No curry smelling grothole for us, just nice Ocean Village living to look forward to until we move to Brighton.

Thursday will certainly be a day to remember. Without Kerry's car, it was public transport all the way with only minutes to spare. The previous night I'd finished preparing for the Uni of Sussex interview with two written exercises to do. As I compared the email invite with the posted letter I noticed I had been sent a different document to base one of the tasks. Therefore I had to do the exercise on my laptop on the train journey there. Interview went really well even with 4 people grilling me.

I had only 45 minutes to bus back into town and find the next place for interview. Typical PR agency which felt like the waiting room in Spaced when Daisy goes for an interview at Flaps. The MD wasn't really taking much notice of me but felt I had to answer her questions as interesting and as quickly as poosible. Next she asked me to do a 30 minute written test to produce a press release. Then I was out the door with the message that someone would be in touch.

My mobilephone had a message waiting from the Sussex Uni HR person. I rang back and she offered me the job with a nice pay rise on top! Job would start on the 2nd of July! God bless Kerry for crying at the news and negotiating with the wish fairy for me.

Today I was shown the flat my current university would allow me to live at until the house chain completes. It was the ex-Vice Chancellors with one the best views of the Harbour Lights cinema (pictured) and marina - all on our doorstop. Life is sweet!


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