When neighbours and bikes attack!

The comedown from our Wireless weekend hit hard at the start of the week. More stress with the Brighton move with no news and it sounds like a new neighbour has moved in that won't stop talking until well late. Yesterday, we had some mini-goodness into our lives. The broadband's finally been connected, a mate copied some Heroes episodes for us which helped returned some sanity, the house chain has moved slightly with our seller's seller getting an offer accepted (but added another chain-link) and I found out that I have a halfday holiday still to take before leaving next week. Listening to Fabric 33: Spank Rock also helped and is nearly as good as The Glimmers DJ Kicks album. AND, before I forget, Kerry scooped up news of Underworld touring the UK with tickets at the Roundhouse bought.

This cosy sensation of well-being didn't last long as the same chatty neighbour spieled off until 12:30am last night THEN we heard him again at 5:30am this morning - Not even our shouts towards the bedroom wall made him shut-up. Kerry had to be up at 6:00am and reckons he gabbed on until 7:30am!

Whether it was the lack of sleep or a design fault in the bike, I came worse off after doing a cartwheel over the handlebars (another dismounting curb accident with brake-lock). Luckily I had my gloves on but still managed to bruise my left elbow, sprain my right hand and scuff my forehead slightly. Needed a hug this morning but instead had to stew in my own pity. I've done exactly the same thing before and I'm sure the front suspension and balance of the bike is wrong.
Not much going on at work this morning due to server maintenance so have been reading Steve's Carribean holiday blog and general web surfing. Vice magazine has managed to get an interview with Daft Punk discussing their long awaited Electroma. Looks like it's either going to be very dull or very arty depending how you look at it.


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