Under the weather, over aged, Underworld

Paul and Sarah, our Ibizian castaways gave us a flying visit on Saturday. Slightly disappointed to find out their Brighton move won't be until next year. Returned to work on Monday with the Underworld gig to look forward to on Wednesday night.
After our scrambled journey to Camden for the Roundhouse, we met the others in the Lock Tavern to the news that Steve had brought the wrong tickets. Slightly annoyed by the casualness of getting to the gig and as we waited in the reception we heard them come on. As I waited for the slackers to sort their tickets out, two gangly suited blokes whisked by. To my celebrity shocked eyes one of them was Sir, 'gimme the fookin' money' Bob Geldof or Gandalf to others.
We were expecting an average performance after seeing them at Wild in the Country festival but it just proves what a decent sound-system can do to create a fantastic gig. The only dodgy point I felt was the drum and bass track. I don't mind DnB but it just sounded wrong or Underworld didn't quite match the beats properly - stick to what you're good at I'd say. The only amusing thing to come out of it was Karl Hyde trying to dance to it (old blokes can't dance two-step) then resorting to invisible flute hand movements around his right ear. However looking around the audience it suddenly dawned on us how old everyone else was – i.e. no one under 30. Has Underworld become the OAP friendly gig? No wonder the crowd was well behaved and quiet.
Spotted Rob Da Bank in the audience who wasn't even dancing then re-spotted Sir Bob who didn't look like he was enjoying himself. From our back of the crowd position for all night we managed to push forward for the encore. Very annoying security guard shined a touch into the digital camera when I got to the front. As if I was going to profit from filming seconds worth of Karl dad dancing. We left the others to a guilty all-nighter as us honest few had to work the next day.