The end is near

Sasha still in bedImage by Ginger DJ via Flickr
The excitement of the Peru holiday has been very low on my radar due to a couple of things. I've been working a lot of evenings to get a major project finished - a new Content Management System for the Institute. This has possibly been one of the most stressful things I've done and it felt like putting years on me with the decisions I've had to make along the way. Bonus is that I've somehow built up enough time in lieu to take 3 days off in May.

Whilst all this has been happening we've been struggling to come to terms with the decision of whether to put down our furry best friend, Sasha. The vet couldn't really say exactly how long he had but quoted weeks. The worst was he looked and acted almost normal so it just seemed wrong. But after a few more days did we start to see him change. Apparently cats have a high pain tolerance - so he's one hard b*stard.

So, on our last day we fed him a sedation pill to calm him down for his last car journey. This was possibly the most heart-string pulling experience. He hardly ate any of it but the crushed pill had a quick effect as he wobbled upto the top of the garden. A small hiss at me as I whisked him up he settled for a lie down in the sun and started to relax. As the time approached to take him to the vets I laid him on his favourite sleeping cushion. He was so relaxed that long steaming turd came out - a rare moment that day to relieve the tears and sadness as we laughed at the embarrassment of it. The journey and waiting time before was just as painful but Sasha was relaxed and took it all in his stride sitting on my lap. The final moment was instant with no pain, only a huge empty feeling in us. We're missing you mate badly!
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