Venture Bros.
Kerry’s yoga teacher recommended we try some legal highs called Purple Ohms. Last night was our first opportunity without any daytime commitment the next day. What turned to be a mild stomach ache then a few buzzy moments it carried on into a wide-eyed experience appreciating music a bit more but with a low attention span. Before taking them I’d bought a new Wii game called Eledees (previously called Elebits) after work. If you can imagine the plasma stream thing in Ghostbusters then picking up objects to find small sprites to collect power – that’s the game’s premise. Great idea using the Wii-motes which almost pulls it off but I think I’ll get bored of quite quickly.
The evening continued channel surfing for anything music or comedy related. We ended on Bravo with their [adult swim] cartoon selection. After Afro Samurai came this amazing animation called Venture Bros. which blew us away with its hilarious scripting, characters and quality animation and style. A little web research and I discover there’s two series out on DVD on Region 1. Only 20 minutes took me to be converted and but both DVDs. This morning, feeling a little bleary eyed I found a website offering both series’ for free courtesy of Video Glath.