Museum adventures

Our post-Valentine's Day evening out went well on Friday. We booked a table at Shanghai Blues in Holborn just round the corner from The End. The food and service was really good but a bit pricey. The music was a little annoying with some jazz vocalist be-bopping and scatting. For some reason the toilets, looking like a posh opium den, had better music.

Chinese gnomes
The British Museum was also very local and we were lucky to get tickets to the First Emperor exhibition for the terracotta army. It was still busy even at the strange time of 10:30pm but a better set up than the Tutemkamon event. Going to museums isn't exactly the sort of thing to put on Facebook as a hobby but just seeing the roof was worthy of a mention. The Chinese over-sized gnomes were really impressive and beggars belief that the tomb had over 100,000 clay statues as an army, admin staff, entertainers and animals to accompany the emperor in his after-life. The curators had even mocked up what colours the statues would have been when originally made copying the rainbow of silks used back then.

Butlins for cats
Saturday, we visited a cats holiday home for Sasha in Hove whilst we're living it up in Venice. Couldn't get over the size of the cats compared to the little blighter - seriously sumo league which could crush your lap. At least he'll be fed better than us so he might even want to stay.

Lego House
Sunday and Monday were spent clearing out my mum's house. Found most of my old Lego including the Lego Club member's newsletters. The rest of the stuff was either bagged for charity (almost a room's worth and growing) and burnt about two rooms worth. I need another two days at least to finish tidying it.

Fast action Probate
Earlier today, I took Sasha to get his remaining teeth cleaned up then onto to the Probate Court for my interview. Arriving 15 minutes I was actually seen a minute later then all it took was another 3 minutes to swear on the bible and sign some forms. I was done and dusted even before my appointment was due to start!

In preparation for the Indiana Jones game, Lego has just updated their website with an online fun game.


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