Underworld under-par

After fighting off the diseased carrying party zombies of last weekend Kerry didn't quite make it germ free picking up some mutant T-virus (T for tummy). Meals for one, rich tea biscuits and sympathy were order of the day for the lady.

Thursday came and Kerry only felt a bit better in time for Kev's birthday night out to see Underworld at the Roundhouse, Camden. Getting to the venue had the perfect timing dodging traffic jams and commuters. We only had time for a microwaved-to-death sausage roll before we entered the gig.

Spotted the merchandise stall which now offers Underworld socks then on to the bar. If it hadn't been for the light-show and inflatables I would have been bored rigid as for around an hour the set was all warm-up and no techno-excitement. The band did start adding the bigger hitters but the neighbouring bag-ladies on Special K started to do our heads in with their elbow aggro and random falling over. I was sort of glad when it ended to be honest.

The journey back to Kev and Karol's was quite the highlight of the evening. A couple of beer swigging South Africans tried to play pass the empty beer glass down the tube. To all out amazement it came back full with a new fill. They were elated and everyone was cheering. They shared it around and finished it off getting off at the next stop but left the glass for another game. This time it came back with what looked like a Guinness! Steve seized the opportunity then discovered it was Coke to the giggles of lads further up the carriage.


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