Clear the decks

Saturday was keeping it local. Went into town determined not to buy anything but angled into Habitat for their end of lease sale. Picked up a right bargain to store the Technics since they've been relegated to expensive shelves. Next we went a little out of Southampton to a pick-your-own for some strawberries. Picking them was easy but trying to eat what's taking up half the fridge shelf is a huge task with every meal including the red fruit. ScreenSelect, our DVD postal service has been canned due to persistantly bad service and rubbish support. Last film watched was McLibel, a documentry about the longest libel case in Britain against McDonalds. Interesting but only worth watching on telly really.

Sunday was just as non-eventful apart from clearing the dust away around the decks and storing them. After England got through another round, we watched Thank you for smoking at Harbourlights. Good comedy which could have been a tiny bit more funnier to make it great.

Things to look forward to now:
  • Ordered a new Acer laptop - my Dell was creaking under the strain of oversized digital photos and expanding MP3s
  • Fuerzabruta - recommended by Steve Wilde (quoted to say he may go again!)
  • Global Gathering - Daft Punk here we come!
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