Rain, rain...just f*ck off!

After my dental episode I was glad to get out of it with our favourite Oz adventurers, Emma and James back from their travels for a couple of weeks. It was a perfect antidote with tales of 4x4 camping, pizzas, amazing photos, boshing, games and some poker. We were also introduced to some Australian radio which made Radio 1 sound like Deja Vu FM with its constant rotation of same songs. Triple J played some great indie rock stuff along with classic housey doings and Oz bands mixed in.

Saturday was almost a write-off with the rain. The evening was really dedicated to the cheesiest event of the year, the Eurovision Song Contest. It was your normal laugh at the strangeness of the Euro acts, put up with the leggy pop-tripe or Euro-trance naff and celebrate anything that dared fuse their own country's tradition music with pop songness. Lithuania were quite clever though the audience didn't like their cheekiness, Russia came second but the piano smuggler act was rubbish, Germany had a great chance but no-one was in a country mood, everyone voted for their f*cking neighbour as usual and Finland only really won it for their originalty and entertainment value. Picture above is just before they balls-up the voting countdown.

Sunday another weather cock-up with more crappy rain. Watched Princess Mononoke which was quite good.

Today didn't start well with my alarm clock doing its own Y2K impression getting into work for a lazyboy 10:30am. Looks like I'll be working late...bugger.
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